

The recent protests in several Arab countries have aroused great hope among women. These mass protests were considered at the time the beginning of an awareness, with the final goal being the attainment of a change. These results had been preceded by a phase of several secular and anti-religion movements that widely expressed in the virtual world, a desire for major reforms. The ultimate goal of the laity was the establishment of a democracy founded on the principles of individual rights, so as to finally be able to express oneself freely. Women were very present in all these secular movements long before and during the launching of the Arab Spring. Logically, they hoped to establish a state of equality between women and men in order to finish with any type of discrimination. Continue reading

published in Le figaro, 24/09/2014

By Fabien Baussart*, Alexandre del Valle**, Randa Kassis***

le figaro
In order to fight the Islamic State, that totalitarian monstrosity that intends to subdue the Middle East and in the end, the entire world, ten countries in the region have signed the « Jeddah Communiqué », in which they commit to helping Barack Obama in his campaign against the Islamic State (IS). One signature was missing from this appeal: Erdogan’s Turkey. When the American Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, attempted to convince Turkey to participate in the international coalition against the IS, Ankara categorically refused.

Disrupting the fundamental Atlantic solidarity, Ankara has refused to let American or NATO planes take off from Turkishairstrips, yet they are the most operational to reach Iraq. Remember that the Turkish air force has the latest technology issued from the American military industry, that its pilots are trained by the United states and that Turkey houses 24 NATO bases. The official explanation put forward by Recep. Tayyib Erdogan was, until September 20th, the fate of the 46 Turkish prisoners captured at Mossoul by the IS in July. Continue reading


In the face of the fierce battle that the regime is waging against its people, it has become apparent that the opposition leadership is unable to face this movement. There are many reasons for this: first, the lack of a varied foundation of parties in the nature of the Syrian body politic, with the exception of the Kurdish parties, which have been perpetually involved in activism and boiling points, despite the harsh oppression that the regime inflicted upon them. Another reason is the absence of pluralistic thought in Syria’s culture and society. Continue reading


Since the beginning of its eruption, the Syrian uprising, faced with a totalitarian regime, has found difficulties winning over the ethnic and religious minorities as well as other groups that remain wary of losing individual freedoms enjoyed under the Assad regime should Islamists come to power. There are many reasons contributing to the fear of these groups and their hesitation to join the uprising. First, there is a loss of hope among many Syrians that any social and cultural change will take place, especially with the significant ground gained by the religious rebels and their capability of penetrating the fabric of Syrian society. The censorship imposed on individuals has facilitated the infiltration of the radical religious trends, which has become their last resort. Many individuals suffer psychological damage from the mechanisms of repression of the regime that inhibited their ability to achieve a self-sufficient outlook in finding a way to improve their living conditions. Due to the psychological frustrations experienced among individuals at all levels of society, it can be understood that people turn to religion as a way to continue their day to day lives and to compensate for what has been lost, even if imaginary or unrealistic. This is common among societies that are repressed by totalitarian powers. Continue reading


There is no doubt that there are important differences in cultural structures and historical heritage in every Arab country. But despite these differences, totalitarian regimes across the region repeat and reproduce the same mechanisms of repression they subject their people to. This is because the very structure of these regimes and the power apparatuses, which maintain them, are informed by the same processes of development and growth and share a similar psychological foundation. Totalitarian regimes are incapable of making sense of all that surpasses their means and tools of repression. Continue reading


There is no doubt that there are many reasons, which allowed the Wahhabi brand of fundamentalism coming from Saudi Arabia to strengthen its grip and widen its influence on the deepest fabrics of Arab societies still suffering from poverty, high rates of unemployment, corrupt governments and the widespread persecution and then brainwashing and marginalization of individuals. Continue reading


After the effect of the Tunisian anti-power virus medicine began to be felt, it will now have to quickly find vaccines to fight smaller emerging viruses disguised in religious thought. By doing so, this nascent new consciousness may find an adequate exit way towards life. Continue reading


I started my discussion on the origins of the totem in a previous article. In the second part of my discussion, I will shed some light on a related topic: the question of the taboo, a notion that is closely connected with the first primitive human’s reaction towards fatal natural phenomena. Continue reading


In order to act efficiently against all that hampers the course of progress and paralyzes modern intelligence, we all have to work together towards a better understanding of the roots of ignorant and regressive thought. Residual ideas that we have inherited from centuries gone by which take us back to pre-historic times need to be identified and discredited. A better understanding of these commonly held beliefs is not motivated by a desire to respect them, it is rather a necessary means to expose their savage origins and explain to what extent they form a tangled and confused snarl in the minds of individuals and groups that still believe in them. Continue reading


I have heard and for such a long time now persistent voices asking for sexual equality in male dominated societies. I am not an activist in this respect because I have chosen to live far from this struggle so that I can one day delve into the essence of life in its comprehensive existential meaning. Having said that, the on-going debate on this subject has led me to think about it and try to understand some of the obstacles preventing women from picking themselves up out of their dark ponds. I think this will become possible only through a radical transformation in the feminine behavior and dreams. Continue reading