Tangier Morocco 14/11/2015
Randa Kassis at the forum MEDays, Tangier Morocco.
MEDays 2015: The Fail of the Global War against the Terrorism. Continue reading
This year’s theme is “Let’s Talk Peace!”. The Geneva Peace Talks 2014 will highlight how communication tools, techniques, and channels can contribute to resolving conflict. Speakers will reflect on how they have personally overcome the challenges of communication in their involvements in peacebuilding, communications, peace negotiations, as well as discussions with perpetrators of violence and underrepresented groups to build lasting peace. Continue reading
The relationship between law and religion is an actual and thorny problem, especially in the light of the development, in the Euro-Mediterranean area, of multiple ethical and religious feelings which have generated more and more complex and elaborate, as a result of the relevant migratory flows characterizing the present articulated relations. All this is the result of the relevant migrations which characterize the present situation. Continue reading
The Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy is the largest gathering of dissidents and former political prisoners at the seat of the UN Human Rights Council. Continue reading
CHP, Turkey 28/04/2012
“Değişen Mevsimler: Arap Halklarının Demokrasi ve Özgürlük Yürüyüşü” konferansı
Libya, Tunus, Fas, Filistin, Cezayir, Bahreyn, Mısır, İran, Irak, Katar, Kuveyt, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri, Ürdün, Suriye, Sudan, Suudi Arabistan, Moritanya, Umman, Arap Ligi, KKTC, ABD ve AB Ülkelerinden hükümet yetkililerinin, kanaat önderlerinin, akademisyenlerin ve STK temsilcilerinin katılacağı konferansa ilişkin program şöyle; Continue reading
In most countries that experienced popular revolutions and protest movements over the last year, Islamist parties have come to play a leading role in the reconfigured political landscape. The first free parliamentary elections organized in Tunisia and Egypt after the ousting of Ben Ali and Mubarak as well as the parliamentary elections organized after the amendment of the constitution in Morocco have resulted in Islamists dominating the new parliaments and well-placed to form and lead the newgovernments. In Libya, Islamists parties and organizations have also become very influential in the new government. In Syria, Islamists actively participate in the National council that has brought together most currents of the opposition to the Assad regime. Continue reading
ESG Management School, France 10/03/2012
Paroles de femmes remercie toutes le intervenantes présentes : Marie Lise Semblat, Anne Boring, Lydia Guirous, Sophie de Menthon, Sophie Robert, Carole Lapanouse, Sophie Cluzel, Soumia Malimbaum, Latifa Benari, Caroline Sinz, Daphne Leef, Madame la Ministre Skalli, Randa Kassis, Safinez Bousbia, Françoise Laborde…Les femmes politiques Nathalie Kosziusko-Morizet, Chantal Jouanno, Michèle André, Fatima Lalem, Bariza Khiari, Rama Yade, Corinne Lepage, Marie-Jo Zimmermann, Karen Taieb, Danielle Hofmann-Rispall. Nos soutiens masculins : Nassurdine Haidiri, Olivier Ferrand, Reda Didi, Fayçal Douhane…Nos chères Marraines : Audrey Dana, Yamina Benguigui, Sylvie Testud et nos parrains Jean-Pierre Mocky, Stéphane Freiss, Rost…Les artistes Shirley Soignon, le formidable gospel Gospossy. Un grand merci à Catherine Ceylac formidable présentatrice. Merci à Arnaud Montebourg qui a fait l’ouverture de notre soirée. Merci à l’ESG et à toute son équipe, aux étudiants. Merci à toute mon équipe et aux bénévoles. A François Toros. Merci à l’agence Protectim d’avoir garanti la sécurité de notre soirée. Continue reading
About this event
La Tunisie est confrontée à de nombreux défis après une année de la révolution. TEDxENSI offrira de nouvelles idées pour relever ces défis et aider à construire une nouvelle société munie d’un tissu social compact et basée sur les valeurs civiques. Elle sera aussi une société où l’art sera apprécié à sa juste valeur, où l’entreprenariat social prospérera, où la technologie jouera un rôle clé au bienêtre individuel et collectif. Continue reading